On behalf of the city of Coesfeld, the Abwasserwerk Coesfeld wastewater treatment plant is responsible for wastewater disposal in the city. The central sewage treatment plant has a wastewater capacity of 130,000 PE.
The workflow for carrying out maintenance tasks was previously based on various Microsoft Excel maintenance cards for all objects in the sewage treatment plant and for the numerous external structures, with a lack of comprehensive software to optimally support maintenance and repair management.
The city of Coesfeld decided to purchase anexio® and commissioned BNA to introduce the software solution. After thorough preparations in close cooperation, the software was successfully implemented and is now fully integrated into the work processes. The employees use anexio® to its full extent and are able to expand the system independently if required. Since then, maintenance tasks have been planned at a PC workstation with anexio®. The responsible employees carry out the tasks on site using two mobile maintenance clients. Abwasserwerk Coesfeld manages a total of 1,000 maintenance objects with anexio®. The necessary operating data is transferred to anexio® from Acron.
As part of its verification obligations, Abwasserwerk Coesfeld uses the new software solution to fulfill the requirements of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and has the necessary monthly analysis in accordance with the Self-Monitoring Ordinance (SüwV) generated by anexio® in compliance with the requirements.